Plein air painting is what I am mostly pursuing at this time. I am looking for feedback, more sales/patrons, of course, and other artists to connect with.

National Park paintings

June 30 sunrise, Inverness Ridge, Pt Reyes National Park

Brilliant sunrise in our rather treehouse rental house, Hi House, set up and redid last years, then turned and fog changed my choice away from the no longer visible road to the sea, to ranch road and native grasses close up.

6x12 oil on board

NEW 2/19 work-Ah, those Old Faithful dawn solo walks-

In ’04 when family gathered on Summer Solstice to spread my sister’s ashes, and a re-visit in ’06, I spent 3 mornings alone each time walking, seeing the upper Geyser basin, something gets me up around 4:30….SO as snowy weather both times in June, I resorted to working from photo, but I DO know the feeling there.  Cold 28degree mornings, warm shadow things, in process or maybe done?  H-e-l-p!?!

Old Faithful Inn, Yellowstone National Park

Ah the dawn alights.

Yosemite, Tuolumne Meadows August piece, enlarged from onsite piece

Fleeting warmth @8300'

I have been gently developing this 14×18, from plein air 11×14….it wants to be bigger.  The mountains still had snow, photo is a tad blown out up near top edge, middle….looking for feedback if it’s done. 

canvas, I think I like board better….

Yosemite, Plein Air workshop Day 8/12-8/15

14x18" oils on panel, in studio

Yosemite's High Country

Brief Summer Moment

8:30 light, (pix above@10:30)

Blue violet light does exist in such shadows.

So, Gen & I up early, on the road at exactly 8, headed back west about 22 minutes, dropped down below Touron’s vista, only to find that we’d BOTH lost our tripod/pochade box connections.  She managed to borrow one, I sat on the granite, red ants & all, peering around trees for this composition on clear values, doing it the way I saw it the way I wanted to do it.  Lots of warm cobalt blues in the shadows up there, again agreeing with Richard Schmidt that the high Sierras break the rules, warm shadows, cool light….should’ve taken a picture of white paper in the shadows that showed that warm blue glow, frickin’ AMAZING!

I COULD add that high altitude symptoms I got included insomnia, except for the one night I slept through the bear that got clueless or exhausted artist’s chocolate under gear & her hubbie’s travails at AM, bah hah….headaches, but the joy, the sheer fabulous plein air fodder, kept me going!

See CHARLES WALDMAN, instructor, DEMO, images n’ such, below, somehow got pushed below early works….

Chuck Waldman’s final demo image-

Chuck Waldman's final piece....LOVE the water treatment n' such-

Okay, my ACTUAL first exercise, 8:30 for maybe 45 minutes, VALUES & simplification…..

And that's all he'd allowed me to paint, same view 2nd panel....onwards.....

First of 2 studies for the morning-Chuck still stopped me from tweaking it any more….

Plein Air workshop, Day One with Chuck Waldman, VALUES

Here is the basic drawing, he showed how to lay in big shapes, darks first, simplify shapes …. probably 8×10″.

Yosemite Workshop 8/12-8/15 with Charles Waldman, Tuolumne Meadows-

Is it fair to start with my 3rd piece of the day, my favorite of 10 done on this trip?  Mostly did 11×14’s, as this one, late afternoon.  I will back track & share his demo progression.

2nd painting, began 9-ish on very quiet ranch road facing west to sea above Abbott’s Lagoon, NO BREEZE, light fog, such an opportunity!

So excited with weather n’ location I hadn’t even finished 1st cup of coffee & on my 2nd piece….even when some 15 2-trailer semi’s began parade I kept my focus & finished alla prima, & I may not touch it again, though am tempted to indicated that that IS the sea in distance with more than the 3 wee white caps indicated, & what I’ve depicted is the essence of the fog upon sea below-morning.  8×16″ oils on canvas

Pt Reyes National Park

Point Reyes last week, began at dawn, north off Pierce Pt Rd….

…facing Tomales Bay, the rising sun peeked through changing fog, I heard what I believe was a cougar scratching a tree vigorously below in the fog 20 minutes into this 8 x10 study, wonderful serene start to day at Helen’s House rental, shared with dad, Ron Silveira, hubbie couldn’t make it due to motorcycle injury….

8x10 oils on panel

Sky Indulgence, a studio piece, 30 x 40″

Inspired by Point Reyes National Park, after a stay on the north, open ranchland side after a storm….the light how it breaks through here and there….a studio piece, many layers of glazes to embrace the greys, the violets, the yellows….oils on deep canvas, unframed, available for $425."Into the Grey"